Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hear me out!

I've got so much to say but I feel like I'm just talking to myself and the wall at time!  Any translators out there that can help me out so Mom and Dad understand what I'm telling them??

Rain rain go away so I can go outside and play... now that I have a hat to keep the sun out of my eyes!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pinterest Strikes Again!

For Valentine's Day earlier this month, Mom wanted to try out another Pinterest picture she saw.  We had success but it wasn't easy!  

Success!  Cutest "V" you ever saw, right?

I can't help it if my feet just don't stay still!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Toy!

I discovered a great new toy this week!  The best part is that it's always attached to me so I can't lose it.  Downside is that as hard as I try, I can't seem to get it all the way in my mouth!

This morning, I may have found a solution, but it was by accident.  Mom caught me with just a thumb in my mouth for a second and then just two fingers.  I've got to keep working on that one though.  The fist is just so much easier!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Told You So!

I wasn't kidding when I said I'm tight with Paul now! In addition to snuggling with me, he has also been doing an excellent job keeping me clean in between baths with his licking!

This was taken during our morning nap when we all get into bed and go back to sleep after breakfast and Dad leaves for work.

Getting Older!

I'm creeping up on 2 months now and can definitely tell I'm getting older.  I keep losing my hair and my belly keeps growing!  I've got some new hair coming in now, so that's nice.  I'm told that only happens once in a lifetime - next time I lose my hair, it's for good!

Mom tried to get a picture of my hair (what's left) sticking up, but just ended up with a cute picture of me!

For those of you losing your hair as well, just remember it could be worse - you could be like me and be losing it in a circle around your head.  Dad is pretty sure I'm going to be sporting a mullet soon.  We'll see - I've still got a little left on the top so no full on mullet yet.

I'm also growing taller - this outfit got retired this morning.  If you were wondering, it wasn't designed as an off the shoulder outfit!  Luckily, I've still got some bigger Clemson clothes in the closet, so no fear - I'll still be representing!

This is one of Mom's favorite onsies - I wore it yesterday for the last time since I was almost busting out of it.  She was a little sad...

I said above that my belly is getting bigger - Mom took a picture to prove it.  The too-small onsie really helps to accentuate it!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My brother Paul!

It took a couple of weeks, but me and Paul are tight now...

Mom was telling me I better pay attention to my brother's worldly wisdom...

So I did - there was nothing more important at that moment...

I wanted to hear more, but Paul felt he shared enough for one day.

See ya Mom and Dad!

Mom and Dad had a wedding to go to, so I spent Friday evening and all Saturday night with Grandma and Grandpa Young.  I can't tell you everything we did, but we definitely had fun and I tried to be on my best behavior for them!

Quick family pic before Mom and Dad left on Friday

I took some walks with just Grandma carrying me but it was cold so I had to bundle up!

Me and my baby sitters!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Even cuter than my smile!

Over the weekend Mom and Dad ditched me for a night while they went to a wedding in midtown.  Mom was saying something about how she wasn't sure if she remembered how to sleep for longer than 4 hours.  Not sure what the issue is with only 4 hours of sleep at a time - if you do that all night and day you end up with plenty!  So Grandma and Grandpa Young came to hang out with me and Paul.  We had a fun time even though they didn't get to sleep more than 4 hours at a time either!  

I'll share some pictures later this week, but wanted to first share this video Grandpa took of me.  I think Mom and Dad have already watched it 10 times and they laugh just as hard each time.  I'm pretty cute through the whole video but you have to be sure to watch it all the way through.  The best part is at the end!  I do this trick all the time and can always count on getting the same reaction from Mom and Dad - they love it!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Big Outing!

I ran out of time last week to share my big adventure from when everyone was in town to visit me last weekend!  First we all went out to lunch and then I got to venture downtown with everyone to visit the Coca-Cola museum.  I slept through most of it, but I woke up at the end for the tasting room with all of the different cokes from around the world.  I only got to drink milk though - Dad said no Coke for me just yet.  

Here I am downtown for the first time...

Grandma and I hung out while everyone tasted the Cokes

The sky was so interesting to look at!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Weekend Visitors!

Over the weekend, I had several visitors - it was awesome!  Everyone wanted to hold me - no bouncy seat of play mat for me for a couple of days!

My Uncle Dan is rad!!

Here I am showing off my smile to Aunt Christy

My Aunties Rock!

Aunt Laura and I were having a very interesting conversation!

Grandma and I spend lots of together time during the visit!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Mom was nice enough to give me her cold, but we're getting by.  Even though I've got a stuffy nose, I am able to carry on my latest morning routine.  After eating my breakfast, I take a few minutes to show off to Mom.  If I don't say so myself, it's the cutest smile ever!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Darn Hiccups!

Since day one, I have been plagued by these silly hiccups!  They don't bother me, but they sure do drive everyone else crazy!  Not sure what causes them and we can't seem to figure out a way to make them stop, except for time.