Monday, December 29, 2014


I've been doing lots of exciting stuff but first I've got to share my Thanksgiving experience!  Last year at Thanksgiving I was taking my first steps.  This year at Thanksgiving there was no containing my walking/running and talking!  

We walked around Helen, GA for a little bit and had lunch.  I was trying to take some pictures myself with Grandpa's camera.

Then we went to a park where I got to climb and swing!  Look at the beautiful fall day we had!

Can you tell I had fun swinging?

My attempt at "cheese"!

I was busy working during the trip too!  Had to do some raking plus cookie decorating...

Of course I didn't eat any turkey myself but from what everyone said, Dad did a good job.  We weren't sure if the turkey or baby sister in Mom's belly was bigger...

There was time to relax as well - I discovered my favorite book of the moment - "Little Blue Truck"!

Some family pics on Thanksgiving!  Most people lose their pants after Thanksgiving dinner - I decided to do so before dinner!   And no - I didn't eat any of the food displayed.  I had my gourmet meal of hot dogs and fruit. 

We found a nice spot for some family pictures - unfortunately it was cold and I had just woken up from a nap so I wasn't too into the picture taking.  Come to think of it, I'm not sure there are just right conditions for me to be into picture taking... 

Mom let me sit on baby sister - maybe the last time I will be able to do that with her permission!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sunday Funday!

This is what happens when it's a cold, rainy Sunday at home...

First you take a killer nap that leaves your hair looking like you slept for 2 days.  Then you wake up and have a snack.

Next you do a little playing on the computer and then you see if you still fit into your baby stuff (or as Mom was trying to tell me - baby sister's stuff). 

To top it off you get out the blender to play with and strip down to your underwear and shoes!  What could be more fun for a rainy Sunday?!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Crazy Mom and Dad!

I've said it before but I'll say it again - Mom and Dad are crazy!  They decided to buy a new house!  They said it was mostly for me so that all four of us could have our bedrooms by each other.  That was pretty nice - so maybe they aren't that crazy.  I don't think I would have liked having my room apart from everyone else!  So that means they have to sell our house now.  I'll miss my room!  

Here's our house with the For Sale sign - kind of sad!  It's the only house I've lived in my whole life!

And here's Mom and I in front of the new house the day after it became officially ours!  My baby sister was 31 weeks old!

We had a pizza party in the new house with Grandma and Grandpa Young to celebrate.  I'm not gong to the bathroom if that is what you are thinking!  I was just saying "Cheese" for the camera!  And our first family picture in the new house - even Paul made it for the picture - kind of...  Mom and Dad let me pick out my own room - I picked the bigger one of course.  Little sister will be small so she can make do with the little room!

Mom and Dad tell me that we're going to move before Christmas.  But I think that means that I won't really have much of a Christmas tree this year.  Bummer!

Monday, December 8, 2014


Last month Mom, Dad and I took a trip together to Chattanooga, TN.  Mom called it a babymoon - our last trip as a family of three!  Probably a better term if it was just Mom and Dad on the trip but Mom didn't know of any better word that fit!  Anyway we drove up on Saturday morning and came back on Sunday.  We had a good time!

First we walked across a really big bridge...can you tell it was a nice day?  I didn't even have to wear my jacket!

Then we went to a park that had a fountain to play in and statues to climb!  I managed to get my sleeves and pants wet in the fountain... 

Then we went to ride the carousel!  This was my first time on a carousel and I thought it was so much fun!  I wanted to do it again and again - I think I did ride it 5 or 6 times. 

Even though the tiger didn't go up and down, it was still my favorite.  Go Tigers!

Next we went to eat lunch at a place that just had hot dogs!  It was great!  Then we got some ice cream but I wasn't as excited about that as I was the hot dogs.  After we went back across the bridge, we went into a children's museum.  We got there kind of late so I only got to play for 45 minutes but I had lots of fun!  I hope we go back again!

I got to play with some play dough, pretend I worked in a doctor's office, play in more water, and drive a car!  They also had lots of musical instruments to play and a play kitchen area that was much cooler than the one at school.  After that we had dinner at a pizza place - all my favorite foods in one day!

Mom snuck a picture of me sleeping in the big bed - my first night in a hotel!

On Sunday we went to Rock City before heading home.  There were some big rocks there!  And we were up high and could supposedly see 7 different states but it was pretty foggy.

We got to walk across a suspension bridge.  Mom thought I was going to be scared but I proved her wrong - I thought it was pretty fun to jump on the bridge and make it shake! 

Before we left, I got to be a little silly with a gnome hat!  Then we went to Starbucks where I relaxed a little in the sun before the car ride home!  We had a pretty fun time.  Maybe we'll go again with my baby sister...

Here's a video of me in action on the carousel!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Little Helper!

I am quite the little helper these days.  Give me a job and I'm more than happy to help out!  I always have the same serious face because it helps me concentrate!

Back in October I was sick and had to stay at home for two days.  I helped Dad out with his work a little bit and then he gave me the job of building a tall tower of blocks.  I think I did pretty good with both!

One of my favorite chores is to help put away the clean dishes - especially the silverware.  I can sort the silverware into the right slots all by myself!

I helped Dad rake up some leaves in front of the house!  It was more fun to sit in the pile and get buried though!

Here's a video of me helping at Grandma and Grandpa Young's house when they were changing out some lights.  Someone has to do the hard work!