Thursday, February 27, 2014


Peek-a-boo is still one of my favorite games.  But now I like it more when I get to be the peek-a-booer.  You can use anything to play peek-a-boo - Mom's pajama pants, your own shirt, a book, a hat, or a bowl...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Toddlers Class

Last week was my first full week in my new class at school.  It's called Toddlers and I'm the youngest in the class right now.  Everyone was worried about me transitioning because I liked my old teachers so much, but I surprised them all and did great!

There are lots of new things in this class:

1.  I sit at a table to eat my meals and snacks and don't have to wear a bib

2.  I have to wash my hands as soon as I get to class (Mom and Dad help me) - there is a sink that is just my size.  Mom said she has yet to go to the office without water on her pants though.

3. When I go out to the playground, I have to hold on to a ring that is on a rope to walk out there.  No bye-bye buggy in this class!  I really impressed my teachers because I have been holding on and not crying like some of my friends.

4.  I don't have my sippy cup at school anymore - I drink out of a cup like Mom and Dad.  I've had a couple outfit changes as a result but I'm really starting to get it.  (Mom and Dad aren't ready for the big boy cup at home yet though!)

5.  I have my own toothbrush at school and have to brush my teeth (5 1/2 of them now!) during the day

6.  It's not really new, but my friend Emmaline is still in my class.  She is usually there before me and smiles when I get to class.  We like to touch hands to say hi and bye - it makes me smile really big (you would too if you had a pretty girl touching your hand!)

It's starting to get warmer so we finally got to go outside to the playground.  It's been months since I've been out there! 

Here I am with one of my new teachers.  We got to play with beads and put them into a water bottle.
Here I am getting ready to eat breakfast with my friends!  See my big boy cup?!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Snow Days Part 2!

Hard to believe but it snowed again!  No 6+ hour car rides this time though!  But I did get to stay home from school for two days with Mom and Dad.  We did lose power but only for a couple hours and I didn't even know about it because I was asleep!

Here was the back deck on Wednesday morning.  It was very icy!

And here was the back deck Thursday morning!  What a difference a day makes!

Paul and I got to go outside again to play in the snow on Thursday.  Who would have thought I would get so much use out of my snow suit!

The snow was much easier to walk on than the ice!

Mom had accidentally dropped a clementine on the ground and I found it and surprised her by starting to peel it myself.  She helped me peel it the rest of the way and then I ate the whole thing!  Not all in one bit though - although the last bite was pretty big!

I figured since I was home from school I might as well help out with some of the cleaning...

Here's my cleaning skills in action...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weekend without Mom and Dad!

The weekend before last, Mom and Dad ditched me for a mini vacation to Las Vegas.  They said they were taking the trip to help out my college fund but I don't think that was the real reason - especially since they said they had to take money out of it!  Guess they can't count to 21 very well...

But I was okay with them leaving since Paul and I got to spend a whole 3 days and 2 nights with Grandma and Grandpa Young!  I had a great time, but they may have needed a vacation after I was gone!  I'm a tough little guy to keep up with!

Grandpa let me play in the dryer while I was there.  But I knew I couldn't get into trouble because I saw a picture of mom doing the same thing when she was about 6 months older than me!  The best part is that it's the same dryer in both pictures!  Who would have thought a dryer could last 35+ years??

I also did a little dancing with Grandma at their house. My internal remote radar kicked in though and I had to pick up and play with the remotes.  My radar is awesome - I can find a remote immediately in a room!

I was glad that Paul came with me so I could show him some love!  And try to tip him over...

Instead of adding to my college fund, Mom and Dad just brought me back a t-shirt.  But that's okay - I needed something red to wear for Valentine's Day anyway!  I was reading the card my Great-Grandma sent me for Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 17, 2014

More Teeth!

I only had 2 teeth for a long time, but now I've got a whole mouthful!  Well, not quite but getting there...  Maybe I'll attempt eating some meat at home now that I've got some teeth!  

I've got my top two teeth now plus another one on the top.  In another week, I'll probably have a 4th tooth on top!  Lucky for mom and dad, I'm a tough guy so it doesn't hurt too bad!

Monday, February 10, 2014


The weekend before last we all took a road trip so I could meet some new friends in Charlotte.  Dad gave me an "A" grade for my travel skills!  

I got to meet Luke (Mom and Dad are his Godparents) and his new siblings Will and Kate.  Luke is 2 1/2 and super cool!  I'm not so sure about the babies, but it was fun being the older kid around them!  I also met their parents Meg and Vinnie - Mom and Dad have been friends with them a really long time!

They had a nice backyard so I did some "almost running" outside!

Dad and I got to swing on Luke's swing set!

Luke was showing me how cool dudes hug...

Luke is quite the golfer so I was trying to pick up some tips from him...

Good think Kate loves her Mom - I was worried for a minute when Mom and Dad were holding her that she was coming home with us...

Luke knew how to play one of my favorite games - peekaboo - so we played over and over and over!  I got to show off my new skill - walking on couches (or beds) without holding onto anything.  Mom and Dad love it!

Since I an expert with jumparoos, I was showing Will how to make it work!

Here's me, Kate and Luke with Mom.  3 out of 4 in a single picture (and all looking at the camera) isn't too bad!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

13 Months!

Last week I turned 13 months!  You can't really see it in the picture but I have another tooth now!  Dad was starting to think I'd never get more teeth!  Now I have 2 on the bottom and 1 on the top.  But soon to be 2 or 3 on the top...

Next week is a big week for me - I'm moving to a new class at school.  This one is called Toddlers so I guess I'm officially not a baby anymore!  2 of my friends will be coming with me to my new class, but the 3 amigos will be no more since Mason will be in a different class.  I hear that we'll get to play with his class quite a bit though!

In preparation for my new class I had to learn how to take my nap on a mat.  You can see that I've got that down for the most part!  I could use another 6 inches on the sides of the mat though!  I also hear that there are no more sippy cups in my new class.  I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I guess I'll figure it out because I love my milk!  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Days!

Last Tuesday Mom, Dad and I had quite the adventure when it snowed in the middle of the day in Atlanta (and then turned to ice)!

Dad picked me up early from school and I got to help him out in his office for a little bit!  We were all smiles at this point!

We got on the road at 3:30 that afternoon, but we didn't move too fast like we normally do.  Lots and lots of traffic.  I started getting bored in my carseat so Dad sat in the back with me to keep me company.  We played with all sorts of stuff and I had a few snacks.  But I kept having to be in the carseat and we weren't even moving!  Dad let me out of the seat for a little bit and we took a walk (there was a sidewalk!) to check out all the cars.  It was pretty cold but it was good to be out of the car!  I was getting pretty hungry at this point and no one would give me any food or milk!  I had to go back in my carseat (still hungry), but I was pretty tired so I took a little nap.  When I woke up, we were still in the car!  But Mom was in the back with me and had some food and milk for me (I guess they were able to at least get to a gas station!).  The car was moving so slowly, but I was tired and had a hard time staying awake.  I heard Dad talk about going on the other side of the road and I guess he did because we were finally moving!  Shortly after that we made it home and I got to go to sleep in my bed.  It was 10:15 - way past my bedtime!  6 hours and 45 minutes is way too long in the car for me!

This is what it looked like outside in the morning!

We had a snow day and everyone stayed home - we bundled up and ventured outside.  I got to put my snowsuit from Aunt Noreen to good use again.  And to think Mom almost left it in Iowa because I wouldn't need it in Atlanta...

There were parts of the street that weren't icy so I was able to take a little walk.

Paul came with us to check out the snow, too!

Here I am on my walk in the snow!  Don't worry about my fall though - I had plenty of padding!