So I'm REALLY late on this picture - like a whole month late! But for the record, the picture was taken closer to when I turned 18 months...
I still don't weigh too much - probably because I run everywhere (and only eat fruit and quesadillas)! But I keep getting taller and I'm doing everything that an 18 month old boy should be doing. Still only 8 teeth (with no signs of more to come yet) but I'm managing to get by okay!
This is a picture of some artwork I made at school. Mom hung it on the wall at home but I asked her to hang it lower so I could still play with it!
One thing I really like right now is wearing Mom and Dad's shoes! Mom's shoes work the best, but I can walk in Dad's flip flops. Here's a video of me showing off in Mom's shoes...
And this wasn't on the 18 month checklist, but I can also put on deodorant...almost!