Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pool Party!

My friend Mason turned 3 a couple of weeks ago so I got to go to his pool party.  I got into the water with Dad and loved it when he threw me in the air!  I got to take home a beach ball, which I carried with me for a few days!

They had some good food to eat at the party - I chowed down on a hamburger bun and some watermelon! 

And of course - cake!  Probably the last time Mom will share her piece of cake with me...

Thursday, August 28, 2014


I have become quite the little daredevil these days!

Here I am standing on my batman car...

This one isn't too wild and crazy but I can sometimes find some interesting places to sit!

And here's a video of me doing one of my favorite activities - jumping to Dad!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

3rd Haircut!

Earlier this month I got tricked!  A lady showed up at school to do haircuts and before I knew what was happening I was getting my hair cut!  Mom and Dad weren't there, but I had one of my favorite teachers there with me.  I still didn't like getting my hair cut but I survived and it looks pretty good - even more blonde if that's possible!

Here's the during and after.  I made it look traumatic but you can see from the after picture that everything is okay now!

And just for the record, I've been in my big boy bed for 2 weeks now and am still loving it!  I've figured out that I can get out of it on my own now.  But I'm usually so worn out that I don't get out of bed until it's time to wake up in the morning. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dad's Birthday!

It might have been Dad's birthday but I got to have my own fun by spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa Young!

We made the wrapping paper for Dad's present...

We took a group selfie...

Grandma and I made some cookies...

Here I am in action doing the decorating on Dad's present!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Night Night!

I may not be a good eater (I've got a very limited menu) but I am a good sleeper for the most part!  I like to get a blanket and say night night!  I don't actually go to sleep but it's fun to pretend for a couple of seconds.  When it's nap time or bedtime, I don't mind going to sleep too much (as long as I'm not in Iowa or missing out on a party!)

Paul's bed is always a fun place to pretend to go night night!  Picture on the left was August 6, 2013.  Picture on the right was August 2, 2014.  What a difference a year makes in lots of ways (and not many differences in other ways)!

I can always pretend to go night night on the couch - I like to get all covered up!

This was actually a real night night.  I woke up from my nap and then fell back asleep with Mom while she was napping!

And here's the big news on night night!  One of my friends has a bigger bed now so he is lending me his toddler bed.  Dad set it up for me on Sunday and I had no problems taking a nice, long nap in it!  Then I decided to go ahead and sleep all night in it too!  Even though I slept good, Mom said she didn't because she kept checking on me in the monitor to make sure I was still there.  This is old news to me though - it's just like sleeping on my mat at school!  I haven't decided yet if I'm going to make the transition from my crib this easy on Mom and Dad though.  We'll see - if they keep trying to get me to eat pieces of ham and carrots at dinner, they might be in for some tough nights!

Monday, August 11, 2014

My Great Grandma!

July was a pretty exciting month because not only did I get to travel to Iowa, but I got to meet my great grandma from California!  She's my Grandpa Young's mom.  She came in town to surprise Grandpa for his birthday and so did Uncle Skylar and Aunt Nichole!  I got to stay home from school on the Friday they were here to hang out with everyone!

Here's 4 generations!

Grandpa got a fun toy for his birthday and I got one that was just my size, too!

We took Great Grandma to the zoo and I showed her the ropes at the petting zoo.  This was my third time so I'm much more brave - I brushed a goat and petted one a little.  Right when Dad was going to tell me to be careful of the goat's mouth, I surprised him (Dad) and went in for a goat kiss!  He was telling me to be nice - what else was I supposed to do?

See this guy?  No, I didn't give him a kiss but I did get to get close and feed him some leaves! 

Here I am feeding the giraffe - he had a huge tongue!

Here's a video of me feeding the giraffe - I think Mom liked it as much as I did!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Singing in the Rain!

Well it was more like playing in the rain!  It's one of my new favorite things to do now - go out and play in the rain!

Here's a video of the fun I was having!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

More Iowa Fun!

When we were in Iowa for July 4th I got to do lots of fun things!

I got to hang out at the lake and watch the big kids play in the water!  It was so relaxing I ended up taking a snooze!

I got to ride a boat!  I really didn't like that life jacket but once the boat started going I forgot about it and had a good time!

I even got to drive the boat with Michael!

No swimming in the lake for me so instead I played in a bucket of water and got just as wet as if I had gone swimming! 

I got to see my Aunt Noreen!  She heard how much I like tractors so she brought me a new toy one and a John Deere shirt!

I got to play cornhole!  I made up my own game though...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cousin Time!

In Iowa I got to hang out with my cousins and meet some new ones!

Here I am with almost all of my first cousins (we missed getting Abby in the picture with us).  I'm just hanging out with the boys!

They might have been making fun of me...I'm not sure

I got to meet my 2nd cousin Steph - she came from San Diego!
I also got to meet my 2nd cousin Jamie - she lives in Minneapolis!  If you can't tell, I wasn't too interested in being held by anyone this trip!  Too much running around to do!

I had a fun time showing off for Josh and how I can jump off the chair!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Fourth of July in Iowa!

We all traveled to Iowa again for the Fourth of July holiday.  I got an A+ for my traveling this trip.  I slept almost the whole flight up there, was good for the 3 hour car rides there and back, and didn't sleep a wink on the plane on the way home, but behaved myself.

Grandpa got a new toy that was the highlight of my trip!  A tractor just my size!

I had lots of Grandma and Grandpa time doing my favorite things!

I hung out with Uncle Jim in the morning looking for tractors, dogs, and birds...

Grandma and I read stories together...

Grandpa took me out on the dock - I learned that it's a rule to hold hands on the dock! And I let Uncle Dan read me a story before he left.

And we just had lots of laughs!
Here we are on the 4th of July!  I missed the fireworks again this year.  And Mom and Dad missed them this year too.  That might have been my fault since I was still awake...oops!