Sunday, May 31, 2015

Strawberry Picking!

We went with some of our friends to pick strawberries at Southern Belle Farm!  Dad and I picked strawberries - two whole buckets - while Mom and Clara supervised.  And really Dad picked because I was busy eating...

We went with the Chitnis family and the Palmer family.  Here's our big group picture!

I just wanted to pick eat strawberries - not take a family picture!

The strawberries were so good!  I didn't even mind getting dirty.  After I got bored with the strawberries I found a big dirt pile to play in.  The dirt and strawberry juice was a messy mix that was lots of fun to clean up! 

Clara was a hit with our friends - everyone wanted to say hi to her!  She even had a strawberry outfit for the outing!  And since Clara was getting her picture taken, I wanted to pose for a picture, too! 

Mom and Dad had some strawberry ice cream, but I didn't want to try it.  Clara, on the other hand, was trying to use some mind tricks to get a bite of it to jump into her mouth!

Here's a video of my strawberry picking skills in action!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Outside Fun!

The weather started to get really nice in April so I've been spending a lot of time outside playing!  Even Clara comes outside sometimes!

We all went to the park one day to meet up with two of my friends from school - Henry and Hunter.  We had lots of fun with the bike!

When we went to Grandma and Grandpa Young's house, I helped Grandma water the plants.  And I let Clara try out my swing - I think she liked it!

Here's some more pictures of our fun in the sun!  You will notice that shirt, pants and even diaper are optional at times (but always shoes or socks)!  For the record - I'm in the backyard - no streaking out front!   

Mom got me a water table, but who needs that fancy thing when you have an old bottle brush, bucket of water and spray bottle!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Uncle Dan and Aunt Laura!

In April Uncle Dan and Aunt Laura came for a visit!  It was their first time getting to meet Clara.  They spent one night with us so I definitely know who they are now.  Uncle Dan had to work while he was in town but I kept asking for him whenever we saw Aunt Laura!

I got to go to the zoo with Aunt Laura and Mom!  I rode the train with Aunt Laura while Mom kept an eye on the stroller.  We saw elephants drinking water, lots of snakes and lizards in the reptile exhibit, and gorillas!

Aunt Laura helped give Clara a bath and brought a new shirt for her!  I got some legos - I build all sorts of things with them!

Somehow I missed out on the picture opportunity, but Clara got a good one with Aunt Laura and Uncle Dan!