Wednesday, September 30, 2015


We had some visitors to the house when I got back from Hilton Head!  It was my friend Conner and his mom.  They got to meet Clara for the first time and of course I had fun playing with Conner!  Conner's dad and my dad were best friends in college!

Here's Clara and Kristi (Conner's mom)!

We did some riding around the house - Conner did his best to fit into my car!

We stopped playing long enough to take a picture for Mom...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Build a Bear (Dog)!

During my week as an only child (while Owen was in Hilton Head), I got to go to a birthday party for a friend and wear my fancy party dress.  It was a Build-A-Bear party and I chose to build a dog. Mom and Dad helped me of course, but I love my dog - her face is so fun to chew on!  I named her Maggie.  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hilton Head!

Last month, Grandma and Grandpa Young took me to the beach at Hilton Head Island for a whole week!  We had lots of fun!  We took my underwear with me and I wore those most of the week - no pull ups or diapers for me!  And I've been wearing underwear ever since...  Mom and Dad already have a week reserved for Clara in 2 years so the same thing can happen!

Here are some pictures of the fun we had!

I had fun at the beach but I definitely had more fun at the pools!  I wore my floaties so I could swim by myself and jump into the pool to Grandpa.

At the condo, I like hanging out on the balcony (most of the time without clothes!).  I could see the pool from our room.  George had a fun time on the trip too! 

I was a good selfie taker!  

One of the best parts was getting to take my bike!  I rode it everywhere - the condo, the beach, the sidewalk, the halls...   

 One day, Grandpa took me out on his bike - I got to ride in a trailer!  They even had a place for me to park my bike when I wasn't riding it!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Fun Around the House!

Ever wonder what it's like at our house on a typical weeknight?  Crazy, loud, fun - those are some descriptions that come to my mind!  We basically get home, eat, take a bath and go to bed...  But of course we still make time for some fun!  Mine and Clara's idea of fun is a little different though.  It's pretty telling that you have to watch videos to get an idea of my fun!

Clara likes to make time for relaxing!  Paul doesn't mind... 

Driving my car is fun for Clara too!

Books can make Clara pretty excited!

In this video, you can decide who's having more fun - me or Dad!

You can see a little bit of my dare devil skills here!

And of course we have to make time for dance party!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Our Teachers!

Clara and I have some pretty great teachers at school!  My teachers say that I'm funny and Clara's teachers say she's smiley!  I can't imagine why...

This is Ms Clory.  She wasn't one of my teachers but was an admin since I first started school as a baby. She always called me her "O"!  She went to work at a different school but came back to visit during our summer festival.

This is Ms Cedria.  She was one of my teachers and I still see her around lots.  She even goes up to visit Clara sometimes!   

This is Ms Cedria hanging out with my friends and I on the playground.  She likes to sing songs and we can't help but sit with her to sing!  That's me to her left...

Clara has already had a big week at school!  She started eating the menu food!  All of her teachers are very impressed with her good eating.  Her class is learning about the farm this month - I think she might have thought the eggs were real food...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Yum Yum!

A couple weeks ago Mom and Dad started letting me eat with them and Owen!  They are trying something different with me so I don't end up only eating quesadillas and hot dogs for a year.  I get real food - no purees for me!  It's technically called Baby Led Weaning, but I call it "just give me whatever and I'll try it"!  I started out slow - lots of gagging and spitting food out, but I'm getting the hang of it.  Some food even gets in my belly now!

Here's my first try with an apricot!  Mom didn't listen to the recommendations and went straight to the fruit - I don't mind! 

Then I got some peaches...

Mom made Owen and I some muffins.  Don't let the pictures fool you - I did like them!  I just wasn't so sure at first... 

The muffins were fun to spread around my tray though! 

Sometimes food just ends up on your face - don't ask me how!

During my week of being an only child, Mom and Dad took me to dinner with them.  No more just sleeping at the restaurant for me - you better believe I want some food just like everyone else! 

Even thought Mom started me with fruits, steamed broccoli is my favorite!