A couple weeks ago Mom and Dad started letting me eat with them and Owen! They are trying something different with me so I don't end up only eating quesadillas and hot dogs for a year. I get real food - no purees for me! It's technically called Baby Led Weaning, but I call it "just give me whatever and I'll try it"! I started out slow - lots of gagging and spitting food out, but I'm getting the hang of it. Some food even gets in my belly now!
Here's my first try with an apricot! Mom didn't listen to the recommendations and went straight to the fruit - I don't mind!
Then I got some peaches...
Mom made Owen and I some muffins. Don't let the pictures fool you - I did like them! I just wasn't so sure at first...
The muffins were fun to spread around my tray though!
Sometimes food just ends up on your face - don't ask me how!
During my week of being an only child, Mom and Dad took me to dinner with them. No more just sleeping at the restaurant for me - you better believe I want some food just like everyone else!
Even thought Mom started me with fruits, steamed broccoli is my favorite!