Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weekend without Mom!

Mom went on a trip with her friends so it was just us and Dad for the weekend!

One day, we met up with some of my friends from school at Fernbank Museum!  We got to see dinosaurs and other cool things!

Clara was super brave and went across a suspension bridge at one of the playgrounds!

We also went to the Marietta square with Grandma and Grandpa Young and got a Popsicle.  Clara ate her's too fast - brain freeze!

Then we went back to their new house and took advantage of the wide open concrete for making some bike ramps!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Pool Party!

Owen and I went to our friend Mason's birthday party - it was a pool party!

I got to catch up with my friend Will over a juice box!

I relaxed in the pool and spent time blowing bubbles! 

Then I dumped the bubbles out and just splashed around! 

Owen managed to find us some suckers!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Pre-K First Day!

I had my first day of Pre-K!  One of the most exciting things is that I bring my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle backpack to school everyday!

We have family activities (not homework!) to do during the week.  Clara and I each have a journal to practice writing.

Here's what I've been learning in Pre-K! 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Chattanooga Trip!

Instead of a beach week with Grandma and Grandpa Young this year, they took both Clara and I on weekend trip to Chattanooga!

Before we left, we had a fun morning at the bungalow with a hula hoop!  (Clara somehow managed to even find a tag in the kitchen...)

Clara put the tag down so she could try out the hula hoop, too!

We found the carousel and rode it several time!

There was also a splash pad by the carousel that we had some fun in, too!

We also went to the Children's Museum and found all sorts of fun thing!  Clara took the convertible for a ride!

And we started a band together!

After Clara went to sleep one night, Grandpa and I went to a minor league baseball game!  Good thing we didn't stay for the whole game because it went into lots of extra innings!

On our last day, we went to the tow truck museum!  Who knew there was a whole museum for tow trucks?!  I found an army tow truck!

When we got back to Atlanta, we had to stop back by the bungalow to check on the new house.  Clara and I got to drive the baby excavator!

We did lots of things out and about, but we had some fun in the hotel, too!  Our room had hard floors - they were perfect for playing with my cars and taking a ride on the desk chair with Grandpa!

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Mom had her 20 year high school reunion and went with her and Dad to one of the events! We went with them to the school where Mom went lots and lots of years ago.

We checked out "Skylight Hall" - up close and personal!

We saw the gym where Mom played basketball for a couple of years!

We took a big group picture with all of the other families that were visiting the school that afternoon!

And we went out to look at the football field!  They call it "The Frank" these days.  Dad even taught me what "stadiums" are in the sports world - he had me run all the way up the stairs to the top of the stadium!  I was tired (for a little bit)!

And what do you expect us to do when we see a ramp in a school?  Have a race of course!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Family Pics!

I learned a while ago that when we get together with family, I should expect lots of pictures!  Our trip to Wisconsin didn't disappoint!  One night, a real photographer came to the house where we were staying to take everyone's picture.
If you remember back a couple of years, the last time we had a professional photographer, I wasn't too interested in smiling or even being in the pictures for that matter!

No car needed to get me in the pictures or to smile this year!

I even helped Clara smile for the pictures! She did great - she is the same age I was when I tried to get out of the pics!

Here's the entire family!  We were just missing Holden - since he's on the other side of the world right now, he couldn't make it...

Even Wylie did great for the pictures!

Here's Grandma and Grandpa and all of the grandkids!  (We couldn't quite come up with a way to Photoshop Holden into the pictures)

And here we are with Mom and Dad!