Thursday, November 30, 2017

Baby Toys!

Mom has been selling a lot of our old baby stuff!  Owen and I like to say a proper good bye to everything.  This normally involves us pretending to be babies again!  When Mom sold our old pack n' play, she wouldn't let me in it, but I got to put my baby doll in it.
Bye bye high chair - that I somehow still fit in!

Mom said we'd break this one if we got in it!

This was Owen's jacket from when he was my age!  We're not selling this one though - it's getting passed on to our cousin Wylie!

We both squeezed ourselves into this one!

This was at our friend Kaitlyn's house - I had fun with her baby brother's toys!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Pre-K Fun!

Pre-K has been lots of fun!  I'm learning a lot - how to count to 100 (by 1's, 5's and 10's), how to write my first and last name, all my letter sounds and lots of other things!  I've got lots of new friends in my class now (there are 22 of us!), but my best buddies haven't changed.  Ayden moved to Florida, but I've still got Henry, Miles, Spencer and Elliott!

Here's my whole class!  (I'm on the far left corner)

And here we are dressed as pirates!  (I'm in the back row - no pirate gear but I did have my pirate shirt on)  We read books about pirates and even made our own treasure maps!

In Pre-K, we have camp days when there's a break from school.  On camp days, we get to bring an electronic device to use during rest time.  I get to bring the iPad in some days and last time, I decided to use the camera!  Mom was surprised when she checked her pictures!

After our selfie, our teacher took a picture of me with Elliott and Spencer!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Farmer Girl!

In my class we learned all about farms!  So for the last day of the lesson, I dressed up as a farmer for school!
Grandma B bought me a whole farmer outfit with a plaid shirt and jean skirt, but as you can see only the bandanna and hat made it past my approval!

Here I am with my friend Clare!  Mom says I'm already practicing my sorority pose! 

Thursday, November 9, 2017


I played another season of t-ball this fall through Smyrna Little League!  This was a real league - we had a practice during the week and a game on Saturday, I wore baseball pants and cleats, and we played outside on a baseball field (instead of inside a school gym like last time)!
I learned how to be "baseball ready" in the field!

And how to throw like a real baseball player!

And how to hit!

And then how to run fast to first base!

Here's my whole team - the Fireflies!  I'm #8 - the third from the left!

Here's my coaches - including Dad!

I even have my very own cheerleader at my games!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Chick-fil-A Sleepover!

The Chick-fil-A by our house had a sleepover for our stuffed animals one night!  We got to go up there to eat dinner in our PJs and bring a stuffed animal with us.

I brought my tiger (who I named Clemson) and Clara brought Peppa Pig!  Our neighbor Mila came with us, too!

Mila and I got our picture with the Chick-fil-A cow - he was ready for bed in his PJs, too!

After dinner, we left our animals there for the night so they could have fun with their friends.  Then we went back in the morning to get them (and breakfast)!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hurricane Irma!

There was a big storm that came our way so we had to prepare for the worst!  We even stayed home from school one day just in case...and then two more days because our school was closed!

I got a big surprise though when my friend Ayden came over to play at my house!  He moved to Florida a couple of months ago, but was back in Atlanta to get away from the big storm so we invited him over.  It was just like old times!

Mom helped us build a fort to have for playing and watching iPad!  We were safe from any storm coming our way!

Mom got me some new costumes to play with - the Star Wars mask worked great for checking on the storm outside!  We got a little rain but that was about it at our house!  Others around town got quite a bit more wind and lost power, too...