Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gymnastics and Missing Teeth!

Mom and I took a trip to UGA in Athens to cheer on the women's gymnastics team!  It was fun to watch such good gymnasts in person!

I got into the Georgia cheers, even if Mom didn't (or couldn't)...

Meanwhile in the same week, Owen was busy losing teeth!  He lost two in the same week!  And both of them while he was at school!  He brought them home and put them under his pillow and the tooth fairy came both times to get the tooth and leave him a $2 bill.

Tooth #1 gone!  Owen's new teeth were already coming in behind his loose teeth so he didn't even have much of a gap!

Tooth #2 gone! 

Thursday, July 25, 2019


My friend Hunter invited me and some of our other Pre-K buddies to Legoland with him to celebrate his birthday!  Hunter's brother is in Clara's class so she came to the party, too!

It's always a good time to get together with old friends!

We watched a Lego 3D movie! 

Clara was definitely into the legos and didn't have a hard time keeping herself occupied! 

She found all kinds of cool things while us boys were racing cars!

At the end of the party, we got to have fun with our gift bag goodies!

It was a fun party! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

More Basketball!

I finished out basketball season strong!  Looking forward to playing again next year!

I love to have the ball and shoot baskets, but defense is fun, too!

Hustle is the name of the game in basketball!

It's always more fun with Dad as an assistant coach!

I'm always ready to rebound!  I'm #11...
And here's my cheering squad!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Beauty and the Beast!

Mom and Grandma B took us to see a performance of Beauty and the Beast!  I really liked it!  Owen might have just liked it for the M&Ms he got to eat during the performance!

I wanted to dress up for the play so I wore one of my princess dresses!  But not my Belle dress - I wore my Anna dress of course! 

Maybe soon they will do a performance of Frozen - I will like that even more I think!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Monster Trucks!

We made our annual visit to the Monster Truck Jam with our friends!

It's a pretty impressive set up in the big stadium (where the Falcons play)!

It's always a fun time with our friends!

The best monster truck shirt got passed down to me from Owen this year!