Saturday, January 25, 2020

Go Braves!

We went to a Braves game with our friends and got our tickets in the GP suite! It was lots of fun being in the suite and not having to sit in our seats the whole time (plus there was air conditioning)!

Clara was all smiles! Especially when she got some cotton candy!

Here we all are - Landon, Elliott, me, Elle, Clara and Dylan!

We don't quite know who Dale Murphy is, but it was fun to take pictures with his statue!

We made sure to cheer loud for the Braves!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Grandma and Grandpa's House!

Now that Grandma B and Grandpa Mark are in their new house and closer to us, we are lucky to get to see them pretty frequently!

Before I started Pre-K, Grandma B and Grandpa Mark picked me up from school to take me to lunch at the Chick-fil-A Dwarf House!

Then we went back to their house and had a tea party!  

Another time we went over to their house, Grandpa had a fun surprise for Owen!

Grandma and Grandpa gave Owen and I a place to draw a painting in their garage!  My finished masterpiece...along with a caterpillar I drew for Grandpa! 

Owen painted his masterpiece, too!  Painting in underwear is the best way to do it!

It's not quite as fast as a motorized go-cart, but just as much fun with Grandpa pushing it!

Owen showed off his board breaking skills to Grandpa!

Owen is always interested in being Grandpa's helper!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

First Day of Pre-K!

It was finally my turn for my first day of school!  I'm still at my same school and with my same friends but we're officially in Pre-K now.  We start out in our camp room in the mornings and then head over to the Pre-K classroom at 8:30.  Then at 3:30 we go back to the camp room until we get picked up!

My first day of school sign!

Here I am with some of my friends - patiently waiting to head over to Pre-K!

Some of my best friends - Ridley, Clare and Maggie!

Here's Maggie and Laura - we've been friends since we were tiny babies!

We had to line up (I always like to be line leader) and walk over to our Pre-K classroom!

Mom had to leave early my first day and spied on us playing on the playground from the parking garage!

We were playing a game of Monster Tag! (I'm in the orange dress)

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Summer Wrap Up!

It was a great summer with lots of weekend time spent at the neighborhood pool!  Owen was swimming really great by the end of the summer.  I'm still wearing my floatie, but had a breakthrough one weekend at the pool and discovered how much fun jumping into the pool is! 
Owen is always in the middle of the action at the pool!  (That's him with the blue goggles)

I made my own neighborhood friends at the pool!

We had a dinner get together with some neighborhood friend and got to make our own snow cones with whatever color syrup we wanted!

During some weekend downtime, Mom taught Owen how to add items to his Amazon wish list!

Here I am doing one of my jumps into the pool!  I did it over and over and over!

Owen learned a new trick with our doorbell!  It's his way of "calling" Mom when he gets home from school!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Last Week of Preschool!

We had a fun last week of Preschool, with a different theme each day to celebrate!
First day was funny hats day!  So I wore a crown!

The next day we got to wear our pajamas to school!

Then it was Wacky Wednesday!  I went all out with the mask, socks, tutu, and capes! 

Here I am with some of my friends, my preschool teacher and my soon to be PreK teachers!

Then we had an ice cream party that our parents were invited to!  We had all sorts of treats to choose from to make our sundaes!  Mom joined me for a quick treat!

Here I am with Warren, Ridley, and Laura!

Here's (most of) my preschool class!

We are Mighty Mighty Preschool!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Dude Perfect!

Clara and I love to watch Dude Perfect with Dad!  Then we found out they were coming to Atlanta for a show in person!  They did some cool in person stuff during the show and showed videos of other really cool tricks!

We went with our friends Landon and Dylan because they like Dude Perfect, too!