I'm learning new things every day and definitely am not a baby anymore!
I got to help with some chopping for dinner one night. Of course I didn't actually eat any of the dinner myself since it wasn't on my short list of approved foods. And I like to give the neighborhood a show sometimes after bath time!
I figured out how to sneak around the fireplace fence so Mom and Dad took that down. Now I have a stage for everyone to watch me! In the mornings before school this is how Paul and I each breakfast every day. He's not always this nice though and I have to tell him "Not Nice!" when he gets too close to my food!
I'm getting to be a big boy but sometimes it's still nice to just snuggle a little bit!
Grandma and Grandpa Hermansen brought me a puzzle last time they visited. It didn't take long and I've got it figured out now!
And of course no matter how young or old you are, this is one of the best sounds in the world!