Monday, June 16, 2014

17 Months!

I'm 17 months old now (well technically 2+ weeks ago)!  Everyday is a new day for me and there is just so much to learn.  Last month at school I learned about the color blue (if you ask me my favorite color - right now it's blue).  This month I'm learning about the color purple - not my favorite color yet though.  I'm learning opposites too!  If you bang on the table (hard), I know that the opposite of that is soft so I rub my hair since it's soft.  And I can show you my ears, my nose and my belly!

And everyone has been keeping it a secret from me that the right way to each watermelon is in slices - no more cut up cubes for me!

On my board it says I can eat with a fork now - here's some proof of that! (Before I learned about watermelon slices!)

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