Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bye Mom and Dad!

Earlier this month Mom and Dad went away for the weekend to visit Uncle Dan and Aunt Laura in Kansas City.  I would have liked to go, but I had a fun weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Young!
While they were in Kansas City, Mom and Dad got to go to a Chiefs football game.  I'm not jealous but baby sister got to go to an NFL game before me!  
Here's Mom and Dad with Uncle Dan and Aunt Laura...

But like I said, I had a pretty fun weekend back in Atlanta!  I got to play in some water and help Grandma and Grandpa with the house renovation they are working on.

Did some painting and measuring!  I was hard at work!

Had some early mornings with them, but that doesn't mean I wasn't in the mood to pose for a picture before breakfast!

Mom and Dad didn't come back empty handed - they brought me back a UMKC Kangaroos t-shirt!

Here's a video of me doing some water play!  Pretty obvious that I've got some good problem solving skills!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fun Times!

At school, we don't go outside for water play anymore because it's not hot enough, but we still get some water time!

I even got over my issue with "messes" on my hands long enough to decorate my very own shirt!

Mom and Dad have been traveling a lot lately - I was thinking maybe they wouldn't notice and take me with them!

I am Mom's normal buddy for the weekly grocery shopping trip, but last weekend I got to ride in one of the cool carts!  I could face forward, had my own steering wheel and kept saying "beep, beep"!  And I got a cookie from the bakery!  I can't wait until next trip now!

Monday, September 22, 2014

My Own Bear!

The weekend before last Mom and Dad took me to Build-a-Bear to make my very own teddy bear!  I picked out my bear all by myself - of course he's blue.  I even snuggled up with him on the floor at the store to make sure I liked him.  Then we filled him up and I put his heart in him.  Now he's all mine!  His name is Bluper Bear.  To top it off there was a Cookie Company store right next door so I got a cookie, too! 

Mom had a surprise for me with the bear...  When I push his hand I can hear a heartbeat and Mom told me it's my heartbeat from when I was in her belly!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Marietta Square!

One weekend we went to Marietta Square for their Farmer's Market and then had pizza for lunch.  I got to see the greyhounds and even saw a real horse.  I didn't want to touch the horse though - he was too big!  
There was a stage that was perfect for practicing my running skills!

And I got to learn how to drink out of a fountain! 

That same weekend I practiced my jump rope skills!  Don't look for me in any competitions just yet...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fun at the Lake!

Over Labor Day, I got to go to the lake!  Davis and Oliver's grandparents live at Lake Hartwell so we stayed with them for the weekend.  I couldn't get completely into the lake because of my ear tubes, but I got to take a couple of dips and get cooled off!

One day I went in the canoe with Dad and the other day I got to hang out in one of the floats!

We took some boat rides!  I was very good about wearing my life jacket and hardly complained at all.  The sun and boat are very relaxing and sometimes you just have to snuggle up for a snooze... 

Jack (Oliver's grandpa) even let me help drive the boat!

We were in charge of making sure the boat didn't hit anything...

Jack reminded me a little of my Grandpa Hermansen so I felt comfortable hanging out with him while we watched the Clemson game!

We went to Davis and Oliver's other grandpa's house to watch the Clemson game.  He has goats and I got to feed them some carrots! 

Of course I had lots of fun playing with my buddies Oliver and Davis!  

Paul didn't come with us, but I made friends with Foster so we were watching for squirrels in the morning!

Mom is always making us pose for pictures!  But aren't we handsome (even if we aren't smiling)?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Big Brother!

I added a new word to my vocabulary - BABY!  I have a favorite baby doll at school and I can point out a baby on TV.  It's good thing because from what Mom and Dad tell me there is going to be a baby in our house in a couple of months!  They keep trying to teach me how to say "sister" but I'm not sure why...

I got a new shirt to tell everyone my new title!  Watch out Paul - I'm going to try to be an even better big brother than you!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Go Tigers!

It's Clemson football time again!  Unfortunately they lost their first game, but they won their second!  I missed going to the first home game because Mom and Dad went out of town.  But I think I get to go at the end of the month!  Mom got me several new Clemson shirts so I can't wait!

Here I am sporting my Clemson shirt for school before the first game! 

We all had our Clemson gear on to cheer on the Tigers!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

20 Months!

So we just skipped month 19 all together...there's a first for everything, right?  But here I am at 20 months!  

Here I am enjoying my first Krispy Kreme doughnut - yum!  Mom tried to just give me half of one, but that didn't fly.  I ate a whole one myself - no sharing a Krispy Kreme!

I'm not sure what my vocabulary is supposed to be at this point, but I am quite the chatter box!  Here is a list of the words you might hear me say these days (you might need Mom or Dad to translate for you though)!

  • Thank You, No (this is one of my favorites), Yes (every now and then)
  • Apple (any piece of food that is shaped similarly is an apple), Cheese, Milk (Nilk but the M is coming along!), Grapes (although this comes out like bus), Banana (Nana), Cracker, Cookie
  • Blue, Yellow, Purple, Green, Brown (accompanied by a roar due to the Brown Bear book)
  • Tractor, Truck, Bus 
  • All Done
  • More (along with the sign language)
  • Not Nice (this gets said to Paul quite a bit when he's trying to take my food!)
  • Paul, Mama, Daddy (more Dad than Daddy), Grandpa (Bampa) - still working on Grandma!
  • Mine
  • Get Down
  • TV (but that wasn't short enough so it's just "T")
  • Sit (or Seat)
  • Oh No, Uh Oh, Ouch
  • Stuck
  • Dog (accompanied by a barking sound), Duck
  • I don't say the names, but I can make the sounds an elephant, cat, bear, snake, horse and money make
  • Ball
  • Shoe, Sock, Hat, Towel
  • Water (wa-wa)
  • Bye Bye, Hi (this one is fun to say at the side of the bed when Mom and Dad are still trying to sleep!), Night Night
  • Mess
  • Trash (I can point out ALL of the trash cans in the neighborhood when we take a walk on trash day)
  • Up, Down
  • Eye (often accompanied with a hard poke to demonstrate where the eye is), Ear, Nose
  • Book
  • Key
  • Brush (for toothbrush)
  • Hot (anything not ice cold is hot), Cold (it's got to be really cold though)