So we just skipped month 19 all together...there's a first for everything, right? But here I am at 20 months!
I'm not sure what my vocabulary is supposed to be at this point, but I am quite the chatter box! Here is a list of the words you might hear me say these days (you might need Mom or Dad to translate for you though)!
Here I am enjoying my first Krispy Kreme doughnut - yum! Mom tried to just give me half of one, but that didn't fly. I ate a whole one myself - no sharing a Krispy Kreme!
I'm not sure what my vocabulary is supposed to be at this point, but I am quite the chatter box! Here is a list of the words you might hear me say these days (you might need Mom or Dad to translate for you though)!
- Thank You, No (this is one of my favorites), Yes (every now and then)
- Apple (any piece of food that is shaped similarly is an apple), Cheese, Milk (Nilk but the M is coming along!), Grapes (although this comes out like bus), Banana (Nana), Cracker, Cookie
- Blue, Yellow, Purple, Green, Brown (accompanied by a roar due to the Brown Bear book)
- Tractor, Truck, Bus
- All Done
- More (along with the sign language)
- Not Nice (this gets said to Paul quite a bit when he's trying to take my food!)
- Paul, Mama, Daddy (more Dad than Daddy), Grandpa (Bampa) - still working on Grandma!
- Mine
- Get Down
- TV (but that wasn't short enough so it's just "T")
- Sit (or Seat)
- Oh No, Uh Oh, Ouch
- Stuck
- Dog (accompanied by a barking sound), Duck
- I don't say the names, but I can make the sounds an elephant, cat, bear, snake, horse and money make
- Ball
- Shoe, Sock, Hat, Towel
- Water (wa-wa)
- Bye Bye, Hi (this one is fun to say at the side of the bed when Mom and Dad are still trying to sleep!), Night Night
- Mess
- Trash (I can point out ALL of the trash cans in the neighborhood when we take a walk on trash day)
- Up, Down
- Eye (often accompanied with a hard poke to demonstrate where the eye is), Ear, Nose
- Book
- Key
- Brush (for toothbrush)
- Hot (anything not ice cold is hot), Cold (it's got to be really cold though)
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