If you come over to our house these days, there's not much quiet to be found. I basically talk non stop (although there are some breaks in the talking - when that happens Mom and Dad start asking me what I'm doing, so maybe they like the talking!) And now Clara is becoming a talker too!
Here's a few of the things you might hear me say these days -
Here's a few of the things you might hear me say these days -
- Pretty much any color, article of clothing, or animal (including parrot, kangaroo and yak)
- I can tell you that I'm two. You might hear me counting to ten but not quite in order and not really counting anything in particular
- I know A is for apple, B is for ball and C is for car. I will sing the alphabet song if someone signs with me.
- I will tell you my whole name - Owen Hermansen - and I know now that it's "O-wen" and not "O-nen". You have to ask though - I kept this a secret from Mom and Dad until my teacher told them!
- I know the first and last names of my friends at school (even Mom and Dad don't know that!)
- If you do something I don't like, I will tell you. I'll also tell you it's not nice (that includes a wall if it gets in my way when I'm running). And if it's really not nice, I'll tell you it's unacceptable!
- I'm good at telling Mom and Dad what to do - cook it, lay down, sit down, feed Clara, come here, scoot (means push my chair in), window down, wait me (i.e. wait for me), group hug and the list goes on!
- My favorite right now is "my turn"! That applies to pretty much everything. And it's not fun for anyone when I don't get to do it myself!
- Every once and a while I keep Mom and Dad on their toes by calling them Casey and Waco. Not sure why it's funny when I say it and not when everyone else does...
- I can point out just about any vehicle we see on the road - school bus, excavator, bulldozer, dump truck, car carrier, bucket truck, fire truck, police car
- I really don't like getting medicine in my ear so I tell Mom and Dad no drops and don't want ear medicine to make sure they know.
- I can ask for what I want to watch on TV or the iPad - usually George (as in Curious), Daniel Tiger, or Bob Train.
- I also talk to Paul - I tell him excuse me, c'mon Paul, and go potty Paul!
Clara doesn't say words yet but here's a video of what she's saying these days...