Thursday, April 23, 2015

First Days of School!

Last week Mom went back to work so that meant I started school!  I like it lots so far.  I have the same teachers that Owen had when he started school.  My teacher has already said that I'm going to be one of the advanced ones.  She noticed after the first day that I track Mom and Dad with my eyes when I hear their voices and roll onto my side.  I don't think Mom and Dad were too surprised by that news!

Here's how I spend my last few days at home - Mom didn't want to put me down!  I was fine with that though... 

When she did put me down, Paul was there to keep me company!

When Mom told me that I would be heading to school, I was like "Say what??"  But then she told me about all the fun things I would be doing and learning and I got pretty excited! 

Here's my "first day of school" picture!  Aunt Laura got me a cute dress that was perfect for the day!  Mom said that it helped make her less sad to leave when I smiled for her.

I got to ride in the bye bye buggy on my first day.  That thing is pretty comfy - I couldn't help but fall asleep.  And I fell asleep in it the next day, too.  And the next day...

My teacher had a bunny rabbit that she held up high for me to look at.  It was pretty interesting if you can't tell...

Mom came in and visited me during lunch on my second and third days.  As you can see I wasn't up for much conversation during her visits.  The one thing I've learned so far is that this school thing is hard work!

Getting to play dress up is one of the fun things I get to do at school!  Bunnies don't get any cuter than this!

And we get to do art projects too!  This one I'm not so sure about...

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