Naps are still a big part of our routine... And not just for Clara and I - Mom and Paul seem to always be up for a nap, too!
Mom tried to visit Clara at school and surprise - she was taking a nap...
Mom had to get something for the crib to keep Clara's arms and legs inside the crib...
Sometimes we all end up in Mom and Dad's bed...
The stroller is a perfect place for a nap after time at the pool...
Paul doesn't mind being close to me when we're both sleeping...
Here's Clara when she was supposed to be napping...
When the air conditioner wasn't working upstairs we had to change our napping location...
This wasn't a nap, but this is where I have been sleeping most nights lately - on the floor in Mom and Dad's room... I'm so sneaky they don't even know when I come in!
Even I can appreciate sweet, napping baby cheeks...
Mom tried to get Clara and I to take a nap together - you can see on the video how well that worked out...