Saturday, October 17, 2015

Growing Up!

I know Mom and Dad aren't crazy about it, but I'm growing up!  Owen doesn't mind too much because it just means he doesn't have to be as careful with me.  So part of my growing up is just necessary self-defense against an older brother!

I already have my picture posing down!

First, I got really good at sitting.  Mom is very jealous of my perfect posture! 

Then I figured out how to get up on my knees!

It didn't take much longer after that and I was off crawling!

And then standing all by myself while holding on to something!  Paul thought it was pretty funny!  And now I can even pull myself up (check out the video of me in action)!

And I'm definitely mastering the whole eating thing!  I eat breakfast and lunch at school off of the menu now.  I mostly use my fingers but sometimes a spoon is needed.  And I said I was mastering the eating - not being neat and clean about it...

Mom hasn't been able to sneak a picture yet, but I have teeth now, too!  I have 2 bottom ones and 1 or 2 coming in on the top.  They don't know for sure because I bit Dad's finger when he was trying to figure out how many there are!  Oops!

Here's an action shot of my early crawling days!  It should be mentioned that Dad lowered my crib down that next day!

And here I am pulling myself up!  You may have to watch this one twice since Owen tries to steal the show from me!

In addition to my moving and eating, I've also become quite the talker (or yeller).  Not surprising if you know my Dad...

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