Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Warm December!

We had some warm weather in December and tried to make the most of it, even though Dad was out of town!  

I went to my friend Henry's birthday party - I think I would have been better off (and less sweaty) if I wore short sleeves.  But either way I was worn out!

We went to Marietta Square and saw Grandma B and Grandpa Mark.  We almost got to see Santa, but the line was too long.  Apparently, everyone else had the same idea...

We got to eat lunch out on the porch - and didn't even have to wear all our clothes!

Mom was brave and took us both with her to Publix for the first time.  I got to show Clara how to steer the cart!  I got a cookie, but Clara didn't because she's too little... 

While we had a good weekend, it wasn't a good Monday when Dad got back in town.  Before Mom took us to school, she made sure Clara and I gave Paul a big hug.  She said that he was going to have to go to the doctor again and he might not be able to come home.  Unfortunately he didn't - Mom explained that he died like the fish at my school.  (But Paul didn't go down the toilet like the fish).  I miss Paulie and still include him when I list out my family members.  We have lots of good memories to remember Paul!

1 comment:

  1. Tears for you all over again. :( I didn't know if you'd ever be able to put this out there on the blog, but maybe (hopefully) that in itself is a bit healing. Hugs.
