Monday, August 21, 2017

4th of July!

Our fourth day in Wisconsin was 4th of July - America's (and Aunt Laura's) birthday!

We had to start the morning by saying good-bye to cousin Josh! 😢

Then we got to do a fun craft that Aunt Laura brought - we painted our own fireworks! 

During the day, we went to a festival at the park (and won suckers) and then to the parade through the town! 

There were all sorts of trucks and vehicles in the parade!  And so much candy - it felt like Halloween!

When we got back to the house, it was time for a watermelon snack!  Our favorite! 

We showed Wylie how to eat watermelon, too!  He didn't quite understand not to eat the green part though...maybe next year!

Dad cooked everyone an all-American dinner of burgers and hot dogs!

We even had a couple of celebrations during the day!  First for Aunt Laura's birthday with a cake that Grandma Pam made.  And then for Grandma and Grandpa's 50th wedding anniversary.  They've been married a long time!

We shared our suckers with Grandpa!

When it got dark (before fireworks), the grown ups lit lanterns on the dock and let them float away to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa!

It was pretty, but we didn't last long because there were too many bugs!  And the fireworks were starting so we had to watch those!

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