Saturday, August 11, 2018

Pre-K Graduation!

My Pre-K class had a big event to celebrate all the hard work we put into the year and also to say good bye to our teachers and friends!  We got to invite our families to the celebration, too!
It was actually we week-long celebration and we got to wear different outfits each day of the week.  One day was pajama day and this is what I wore!

Here was our class picture!  We had a fun Pre-K class!

Grandma B and Grandpa Mark came to the celebration with Mom!  (Dad had a trip so he had to see the videos)

Here's some of my best buddies - Spencer, Elliott, Henry and James.  We are all going on to Kindergarten!

We had a big cake to celebrate!  I had 2 pieces of course!

I had some great Pre-K teachers!  Ms Jaelyn was awesome and so was Mr Jerrell!  Ms Michaela was one of our floater teachers and she's known me for years!  

This is 5 of our "Boys Club"!  Ayden moved away in pre-school, but Spencer, Elliott, Henry, Miles and I stayed the best of friends through Pre-K.  We'll all be at different kindergartens (well, except for Spencer and Elliott) so hopefully we can keep having play dates and stay friends!

Here we were 3 years earlier when we were almost 3!  We were friends even before this - since we were babies!  But this is when the Boys Club really started - it was just the 6 of us in the Transitions class to start!

Here I am getting my Pre-K diploma!  I graduated!

It wouldn't be much of a celebration without a singing performance!  We practiced for weeks on this song!

And here was one more song we performed!  There might have been some tears from the Moms and Dads in the audience!

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