Tuesday, November 6, 2018

My Style, My Way!

I may be the little sister around the house, but I'm definitely my own person! I've got my own style, my own voice and my own way about things!  And I can be stubborn about it!

Sometimes it's so bright that 3 pairs of sunglasses are needed!

I was excited about the sunflowers that grew in our garden as school!

Mom picked me up early one day and we were still outside playing, so I got to show her our sunflowers! 

We had a giant dragon fly in the playroom.  He couldn't find his way outside so he died.  I was very interested to look at him up close!

Being 3 can be stressful - good sleep is a necessity! 

We did out annual picture again this year at the start of football season!  This year Genevieve joined us in the picture in her Clemson dress!  

Here we all were last year!  We've been posing together in our team gear since we were tiny babies!  Our outfits all got a little bit shorter since last year!

Mom found me a ballerina dress and let me wear it one time to school!  I would wear it every week if I could!

I definitely can turn on the charm when I want to!  Just ask me to show my dimple!

Mom wanted to buy all of my school pictures because I was just so cute, but limited herself to just one of them!

Here's my ballerina dress in action!  

Every now and then Owen and I will put on an evening performance!  Here's mine!

And I have to give credit where it's due - I've learned everything I know about performing from my brother!  Ladies and Gentlemen!  It's Owen Hermansen!

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