Friday, September 13, 2019

Cousin Visit!

We took a family trip to Kansas City!  Mom and Dad went to a friend's wedding while we were there, but most of our time was spent with our cousins!  And Uncle Dan and Aunt Laura!  One night, Uncle Dan and Aunt Laura took on getting all 5 kids to bed!  The next night they had reinforcements because Grandma Pam and Grandpa Mike came into town for a visit!
Airplane ride to Kansas City!

We made ourselves at home pretty quickly! 

While we were there, we went to a children's museum and got to see lots of cool stuff!

We learned about things but got to play, too!

Afterwards, we went out to eat for lunch!

Then we explored one of the downtown parks!  

The 3 taco heads helped Aunt Laura shop for Wiley's birthday party!

Our cousins had a really cool playground by their house that we visited!  I climbed up the giant rock lots of times!

Clara even climbed up the giant rock!  

More playtime with Wylie and Brooke!  We had so much fun with out cousins!  

Here we all are on movie night!  Clara, me, Wylie, Brooke and Brodie!

And here we are with our Moms and Dads!

Mom got the best Mother's Day gift from us!  She got to fly home by herself with us!

Here's some of the craziness that 5 kids can get into in living room!  No video of our wrestling matches though...

At the park, Clara mastered the monkey bars all by herself!

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