Monday, April 20, 2020

The Many Faces of Clara!

I have quite the personality these days!  I'm funny, sweet, smart, wild and everything in between!
Here's my cute face for my Pre-K picture!  I definitely am a pro at smiling for the camera!

Here's my serious face - coloring take concentration!

Here's my sleeping face!  (I was just pretending...)

Here's my imaginative face - these were my toys sitting around a campfire!

Here's my princess face when my friend Maggie came over for a playdate!

Here's my fierce face - Go Tigers!

Here's my silly face - guess who taught me this trick?!

Here's my smart face - hard at work at school!

Here's my proud face - I helped decorate!

Here's my happy face while I'm getting my nails done with Mom!

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