Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Spring Soccer!

We both played another season of soccer!  We've tried out some other activities but soccer seems to be one of our favorites!

I got Grandma B and Grandpa Mark out on the soccer field during half time!

I played on a U6 team - my last season of both boys and girls!  When the ball came near me, I was focused!

I had fun on the team - the other girls on the team were pretty good (like me!)

Lots of strong kicks and fancy ball handling!

I figured I'd keep my old coach with us for another season! He was pretty good...

Another season in the books!

Owen played half of each game at goalie again this season.  He had some great saves!

But he liked being in the action on the field as well!

Sometimes it got a little boring at goalie!

Owen's team had a great season - they only lost one or two games!

Here's the Red Bulls!  Dad helped to coach the team again this season!

Owen recruited some friends to help him cheer for my team!  I think they were mostly off playing soccer themselves though...

I hung out with my friend McLaine while our brothers were playing their game!  Can you guess which one of us hadn't yet played her own game?  Hint - it wasn't me!

Here's one of my goals!  This particular goal was #5 for me during the game!

Owen was goalie when the other team had a penalty kick and Owen stopped them from scoring!

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